Monday, October 9, 2017

A new chapter...

Sounds like a Star Wars title doesn't it?
Sorry I have been gone a while. I am going through some changes in my life right now. I probably shouldn't blog about it, so I might have to take that part off line...maybe even publish it one day.

Where to begin: I will start with today and recent family updates as I promised some people that I would not put my feelings through a public forum.

My younger brother suffered a stroke a few months back. He just got married to his lovely bride, decided to move to Las Vegas as Southern California, I guess California in general, is getting way to expensive to live. He found a job at a Catholic school as theie P.E. coach and within a few weeks, found an apartment for his young family. Then literally the next day, BOOM. It hit him. We were all shocked. My whole family freaked out ofcourse. I was already planning to go out there and bring his things to the new apartment, but man this hit us bad. But, with a lot of faith, family, and love, he is getting better. That's when it reminded me what being a family was about. With the power of prayer, faith, and just being able to rally around the circumstances, hope finds a way to enter your life. I like to think our Catholic upbringing had a lot to do with that as well. Plus the outpouring of love, prayers, and support from family and friends, support from his new work (which is his new Las Vegas family) is just such a wonderful thing to see.

I don't know if the gofundme page my sister started is still up, but if you know my brother, or would just like to help him and his young family, click on the link below

So today I took Nathan to Universal Studios. Needless to say it was a blast. Yaya came too as she has not been there in a long time. She does so much for us so bringing her with us to enjoy was a no brainer. We went to the usual spots: Tram Tour, Minions Ride, Harry Potter. It was all new to Yaya so she enjoyed. We all enjoyed the new Waterworld show. I don't know if kids nowadays even know it was a movie with Kevin Kostner, but it was still good.
It was a good break from all the bad vibes I have been getting lately.

Which brings me to the title of my blog, A New Chapter. It is definitely a new chapter for me. When you turn a page of a book when you are thrust into a deep story line that has you hooked then all of the sudden something you never see happen happens...well that's pretty much the description of the new chapter. Like I said I can't go into detail (as I might make this into a teleseria or something) but this is surely something new to me. But like my brother, as he fights and works on just getting back to normal and stronger, he has inspired me to become stronger, and hopefully a little better than normal. We'll just have to wait and see.

Good night eveerybody