As you guys know, I became a father earlier this year. I did not get to blog it because, well, I was getting to know my son. Even since Februaury, my life has changed dramatically. Not in a bad way by any means. I figured in life we go through stages.
Now, I know this is something not new. For me, I tend to hold on to the memories of the past because there were good times back then. You meet new friends, you party hard with them, get in trouble with them. hahaha. But now, the nights of toasting with beer and wive, are replaced with warming bottles and making formula. Different, yes. Dissapointed, HECK NO. Like I said our life goes through changes. Now the next stage of my life is kicking in and I love it.
Yesterday was Father's Day. For me, it was officially my Father's Day. I don't know if I'm bad posting this, but I didn't really know how different my feelings would be.
May 6, 2006, I promissed my heart to my wife and her 2 children, who of course I considered mine even before we got married. When Father's day rolled around then, I felt touched that they would handcraft gifts for me and say, "Happy Father's Day daddy," even though we all knew I wasn't the biological father. Then my son was born this year, and my older kids loved him so much. There was no jealousy whatsoever. This year, my older kids again gave me handcrafted gifts, but this time I appreciated the gifts, and them so much more. Something inside me really gave my a shove on how special it really was to be a father. I thank my parents for showing me what unconditional love really means and I can now pass it down and practice it with my family.
To all the father's out there...cherish your children and cherish your wife. They are unbelievable gifts.
Till next time.
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