Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spur of the moment

I don't know if my age really is making me think twice about what I use to do then as to what I do now, but man that was a fun weekend.
Let me set the setting:
Friday rolls around. My wife sends out an e-mail to our regular poker crew about possibly doing a Vegas trip for the weekend. My buddy (which I will leave anonymous) sent a response stating something to each and everyone why we should go. Well, it worked. I got a rent a car and were just waiting for the vet to do her duty to give our dog a shot. And heres lies the twist as well.
I believe things happen for a reason. I wanted to leave early on Saturday because I wanted to spend as much as I could in the city of sin. It was just suposed to be me, my wife, and our instigator friend. Due to time of departure changing from 9 am to 11 am, a good buddy of mine called and wanted to know what we were up to. I let him know that we haven't left yet. And with some persuading, he was now coming along. Then as we were picking up the instigator, a very close friend called him a to see how he was doing. She was I think in a lull and my friend invited her. It took some persuading but she said yes as well. So now the 3 person early morning ride became a 5 man early afternoon shuttle ride. It was great fun as we talked about things from favorite albums to least likeable songs. It was a great time. We got to enter 2 poker tournaments, got to visit Palazzo & Planet Hollywood. Sushi Factory is always a welcome visit. All in all it was a great time.
And to think all of this would not have happened if the vet was not late.

Makes you wonder if things happen for a reson.

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